Each time we open a book, experience a balance or buy a course we are setting an intention for our future.
We set intentions easily – but we need to set them wisely.
So take some time, find a pocket of calm or quiet for a few minutes and get ready to set your intentions for your learning and for your beautiful future self.
This process invites your present self to reach out and offer to your future self some hope and parameters.
Intentions are your focused, purposeful, firm offering to the universe about what you want. We need to know what we are asking for- so we can achieve it.
So bunker down, open your heart and soften your mind to dare to dream your future self in.
Write and dream, lift and laugh as you envisage your life as you want it to be.
Offer grace and the opportunity for something even better to visit – if that is the grander plan.
Then in some quiet moments – wander over the images of your life so far. Find as many things to be grateful for.
If at first you need to start with the earth and the wind and the sun- do it. Amid all this gathering of gratitude, something starts to happen. The things that have stood harsh and unwelcome and unseen for their glossy and precious good- will move differently. They will glisten and shimmer as a welcome for more. Energy needs a path to you. Gratitude is the invisible crumbs that we place to bring in our greatest treasures.
If at first you need to start with the earth and the wind and the sun- do it. Amid all this gathering of gratitude, something starts to happen. The things that have stood harsh and unwelcome and unseen for their glossy and precious good- will move differently. They will glisten and shimmer as a welcome for more. Energy needs a path to you. Gratitude is the invisible crumbs that we place to bring in our greatest treasures.
Trust and the invisible work of love and light work here.
Intentions work in all areas of your life.
- Work
- Relationships
- Career
- Family
- Self care
- Money
- Growth
- Love
Our intentions bring clarity to our lives.
So honour yourself enough to take the time to set the intentions. You are so deserving and so very worth it.